
约克区公立教育局著名公立学校Aurora High School


Aurora High School这所学校建于1972年,位于约克地区教育局行政管理中心附近,是约克地区最好的高中之一。目前学校招收有大约1450名学生,其中大约500名学生入读French Immersion program英法双语课程,通常拥有法语课程的学校比没有该课程的学校师资水平更强,并且法语在日后报考名牌大学有加分优势。该校2016年在安省排名36位,最近5年平均排名42位,保持了上升趋势,华人学生相对较少,提供了一个很好的外语环境。

Aurora High SchoolThe current school population is 1450 students with approximately 500 students enrolled in the French Immersion Program.Aurora High School has a tradition of promoting excellence and maintaining high expectations for students 有一个传统,对所有的学生,不论优良均寄予厚望。The school motto is “Nothing But Our Best” 学校的座右铭:“Nothing But Our Best”。In order to address the strengths and needs of students and to encourage them to do their best, the school offers a variety of courses leading to university, college or workplace destinations 学校的使命是:In conjunction with the Board’s Mission to inspire and prepare learners for life in our changing world community, Aurora High School has developed the following school goals 鼓舞学生在不断变化的国际社会做好准备,并且制定了以下目标:
     1、To continue the tradition of excellence in academics, personal growth and extra-curricular activities,要继续追求卓越的传统,不论在学术界,个人成长还是课外活动;
     2、To develop within students a social consciousness which includes mutual respect, tolerance and fairness,发展学生的社会意识,包括相互尊重,宽容和公正性;
    3、To promote learning as a lifelong process,促进学习作为一个终身的过程;
    4、To provide a welcoming, supportive and stimulating environment within a safe, clean and healthy setting,在一个安全,清洁和健康的环境中,提供一个温馨,支持和激励的学习氛围;
    5、To provide an orderly atmosphere in which expectations are clear, concise and fair,提供一个有序的气氛,目的是清晰,简明和公平;
    6、To communicate effectively with students, parents/guardians and the community,与学生,家长/监护人和社区进行有效的沟通;
    7、To recognize the contributions and achievements of staff and students,确认工作人员和学生的贡献和成就。
    历史:Since its opening in 1972, Aurora High School has served the Aurora community and surrounding areas.FacilitiesAurora High School was designed to accommodate the needs of students in a variety of programs.Aurora High SchoolThe current school population is 1450 students with approximately 500 students enrolled in the French Immersion Program  设计了众多设施以满足学生的需求。Facilities include: classrooms; science labs; computer labs; a gym and fitness centre; music rooms and a rehearshal hall; technological studies workshops (transportation, construction, design, computer technology); family studies labs; art studios; drama room; library resource centre; guidance office and cafetorium  包括:各类教室,科学实验室,计算机实验室,一间健身中心,音乐室和一个演出厅。项目小组包括技术研究研讨会(交通,建筑,设计,计算机技术),家庭研究实验室,艺术工作室,戏剧室,图书馆资源中心,另外还有指导办公室和自助餐厅。Outdoor facilities include a track, beach volleyball courts, and two playing fields  户外设施包括一个轨道,沙滩排球场和两个专项运动场。
     该校与学生家长和社区建立强有力的联系。由学生,教师和家长组成的校委会积极参与各项支持学生学习的活动。学校的合作教育部门一如既往地与当地的许多社区服务机构和企业建立和促进合作伙伴关系,包括 Aurora 公共图书馆。加拿大前总理保罗-马丁曾于2005年11月9日访问该校,与师生探讨有关伊拉克,阿富汗和其他政治话题。
     Aurora High School的学区范围大致在Yonge街以西,Dufferin以东,上至Green Lane West以南Bathurst以西部分地区,下至16th sdrd以北部分区域。另外,Yonge以东wellington St上下部分可以选择就读Aurora High School或者Dr.G.W Williams SS。法语课程则是整个Aurora市内均可报读。

  • 版权声明:本网站文章除了邹庆专栏内容以外,其它内容的版权属于原作者。