
约克区公立教育局下面所属中学开出的特殊课程一览表 (包括IB,AP,体育,艺术,French Immersion等)


Arts Secondary (艺术)

The Secondary ArtsProgram is a four-year intensive arts program for artistically talentedstudents in York Region.

Specialized Artsprogramming is available at four sites throughout the Region:
Alexander Mackenzie High School, Richmond Hill
Huron Heights Secondary School, Newmarket
Unionville High School, Markham
Westmount Collegiate, Vaughan
Program details,attendance boundaries, audition requirements, contact information andapplications are posted on respective school websites.


Athletics and organizedsports have an important place in the education system and contribute to thehealth and well-being of students. In support of athletics at both theelementary and secondary level, there are two organizations which coordinateand encourage participation in athletic activities.

Bill Crothers Secondary School (BCSS)
Advanced Placement (AP)

AP courses occur at thegrade 12 level and are designed to provide students with background andknowledge equivalent to a first-year university course. They allow students theopportunity for enriched, intensive study in one or more subjects of interest andstrength. Based on their performance on the standardized AP exam, studentsmay earn a transfer credit, advanced placement or both foruniversity. Each university decides independently how to recognizesuccessful completion of AP courses and has a clearly articulated AP policywhich students can access.

Alexander Mackenzie HS,
Dr. G.W. Williams SS,
Langstaff SS,
Richmond Hill HS,
Bur Oak SS,
Markham District HS,
Markville SS,
Pierre Elliott Trudeau HS,
Newmarket HS,
Emily Carr SS,
Maple HS,
Stephen Lewis SS,
Thornhill SS,
Vaughan SS,
Westmount CI,
Woodbridge College,

French Immersion (沉浸式法语)

InFrench Immersion, students receive instruction in French in a variety ofsubjects from a teacher who speaks French fluently
TheFrench Immersion program begins in Grade 1 and is designed for childrenwhose first language is not French.
InGrades 1, 2 and 3, all subjects are taught in French. Starting in Grade 4, timeis shared equally between French and English instruction.
TheFrench Immersion program continues in high school, at the followinglocations: Bill Hogarth Secondary School, Aurora High School,Langstaff Secondary School, Newmarket High School, Pierre Elliot Trudeau HighSchool, Thornlea Secondary School, Vaughan Secondary School and WoodbridgeCollege.
Secondaryschool students must earn at least 10 French Immersion credits toqualify for the French Immersion Certificate upon graduation.

Michaëlle JeanPublic School
Lester B.Pearson Public School
Lester B. Pearson Public School
Beynon FieldsPublic School
Windham RidgePublic School
Adrienne Clarkson Public School
Sir Wilfrid Laurier Public School
Milliken Mills Public School
Sam Chapman Public School
Franklin Street Public School
Louis-HonoréFrechetté Public School
Julliard Public School
Woodland Public School
Ventura ParkPublic School
RoméoDallaire Public School
Elder's MillsPublic School
Glad ParkPublic School
Keswick PublicSchool
Poplar BankPublic School
Mazo de laRoche Public School

International Baccalaureate (IB)Programme

The York Region DistrictSchool Board is proud to offer students the opportunity to earnthe IB Diploma in addition to the Ontario Secondary School Diploma.
The International Baccalaureate (IB) aimsto develop inquiring, knowledgeable and caring young people who help create abetter and more peaceful world through intercultural understanding and respect.To this end the organization works with schools, governments and internationalorganizations to develop challenging programs of international education andrigorous assessment. These programs encourage students across the world tobecome active, compassionate and lifelong learners who understand that otherpeople, with their differences, can also be right.

Bayview Secondary School
Alexander Mackenzie High School
Dr. G.W. Williams Secondary School
Maple High School
Milliken Mills High School
High Performance Athlete (HPA) Program (高绩效运动员)

A specialized, cooperative education program, for students who are competing atthe provincial, national and/or international level. In HPA, students practiceand demonstrate, through a cooperative education program, the knowledge andskills acquired in the classroom, to their training/competition setting.

Thefollowing YRDSB schools provide HPA programming:

Bill Crothers S.S.
Dr. G.W. Williams S.S.
Dr. J.M. Denison S.S.
King City S.S.
Markham District H.S.
Markville S.S.
Newmarket H.S
Richmond Green S.S
Sir William Mulock S.S.
Stouffville District S.S.
Thornhill S.S.

Specialist High Skills Major (高技能专业)

An SHSM is a Ministry of Education approved specializedprogram that allows students to focus their learning on a specific economicsector while meeting the requirements to graduate from secondary school. Italso assists in their transition after graduation to apprenticeship training,college, university or the workplace.

AlexanderMackenzie H.S.
BillCrothers S.S.
BurOak S.S.
Dr.G.W. Williams S.S.
Dr.J.M. Denison S.S.
EmilyCarr S.S.
HuronHeights S.S.
KingCity S.S.
MillikenMills H.S.
PierreElliott Trudeau H.S.
RichmondGreen S.S.
RichmondHill H.S.
SirWilliam Mulock S.S.
StephenLewis S.S.
TommyDouglas S.S.



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