


约克公立教育局于8月19日在官网发布了有关重开学校的更新,下面是英文原文和中文翻译,供您参考。您可以访问约克公立教育局学校重开页面(School Reopening:http://www.yrdsb.ca/schools/school-reopening/Pages/default.aspx)了解有关学校重开的最新消息。

Dear families,

Thank you for submitting your registration form for reopening. If you have not submitted your form, school staff will be reaching out to you to confirm your child’s classroom placement. We are analyzing the choices of families and planning for online and in-person school attendance. As our plans become finalized, we will communicate them to you. We are looking at all ways to reduce class sizes as much as possible for in-person learning in elementary schools and will be maximizing physical distancing in all classrooms. Student and staff safety is our top priority.

This week, we received confirmation from the Ministry of Education that we could proceed with our adaptive learning model for secondary school students. Our model complies with the requirements set out by the Ministry.
本周,安省教育厅通过了约克公立教育局提交的中学混合模式(Adaptive Model)的计划。我们的计划符合教育厅的规定要求。

The timetables previously shared with families will not change, other than small timing adjustments which have been updated in our Secondary Programs: Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment section of the website. Students who have opted to attend school in person can expect to attend school on alternating days. On the days they attend school, students will have 150 minutes of in-class learning at the start of the school day in one course, and three 50-minute periods of online learning in the afternoon. This scheduling model of in person and online learning time is aligned with most other adaptive school boards in the province. Each afternoon learning period will include live, online (synchronous) learning with their teacher.
之前已经分享给您的学校课程表(timetables)不会有大幅度调整,一些小的时间调整已经在教育局官网的“中学课程:课程设置,教学和评估(Secondary Programs: Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment)”页面提供,您可以访问网页了解更多。选择返校学习的学生将会轮流到校上课。在到校上课的时间里,学生1天的课程时间分为:上午1门为时150分钟的课堂学习,以及下午3门分别为时50分钟的在线学习。这种在校(in person)和在线(online)学习的混合模式会在安省大多数的公立教育局实施。每次下午的在线学习会包括:直播和老师实时在线的同步学习。

The Board is also introducing an optional study hall for students on the days that are attending school in person. The study hall will offer a space in the school where students may attend their online periods to access the school wifi. Students must exercise physical distancing and will be supervised by a member of staff. Students must arrange their own transportation home after leaving the study hall and will be expected to leave school promptly at the end of the school day. The Board will also continue to support students who require access to technology and data by providing equipment.
教育局也将为选择返校学习的学生,在其到校学习的时间里提供自修室(study hall),学生可自愿参与。学校将在自修室为学生提供在线学习的空间和无线网络(wifi),以供学生在此继续在线学习的安排。自修室由学校教职员工监督,并要求学生保持相互间的距离。选择在自修室进行在线学习的学生,需要自行安排交通工具回家,并在结束时迅速离开学校。教育局会继续为有需要的学生提供相关电子设备。

Student and staff safety remains our top priority. The Board reviewed a number of different adaptive secondary learning models. The four course model chosen minimizes contact between cohorts of students as they will be attending class with only one cohort each day during a rotation. It focuses on student safety and meets the requirements that students remain in cohorts of 15 and that direct and indirect contact of students is limited to 100. It also provides additional learning time over the course of the semester, including in-class learning, compared to some other models and allows for a more smooth transition to a conventional learning model if public health determines it is safe to do so. The four course model maximizes safety and teaching is paced to provide more time for learning and assessment.

In addition, we are finalizing staff training on safety protocols, including masking. We are awaiting the provincial outbreak protocol and will be ensuring that our local plans uphold these expectations. We have developed resources for educators that focus on student well-being and promote discussion and understanding of how the pandemic has affected students and families differently. We recognize that the pandemic has significantly affected all families, students and staff. Our reopening is designed to provide routine, reestablish classrooms as places where caring adults can nurture positive and trusting relationships with your children and have them learn to their greatest potential.

We will continue to communicate with you in the days and weeks ahead to keep you well informed. We are planning a staggered entry for elementary and secondary schools to help students learn routines and become familiar with their new learning environments. More information about our plan for a staggered entry will be available soon. We are excited to welcome your child(ren) back to school. We have missed them and I know they are eager to return too, whether that be online or in class. The safety of our students and staff will continue to be at the centre of our decision making, as is our relationship with you.

Louise Sirisko,
Director of Education
约克公立教育局局长Louise Sirisko

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