
中国留学生去年因无知新州枪规而身陷囹圄 今年又被ICE突袭逮捕



去年,居住在东纽瓦克(East Newark)24岁的中国籍留学生王子超因自己的汽车在去年11月停在斯凯勒大道汽车修理厂时,被修理厂的一名工人误认为是辆被遗弃的车而打开了他的汽车后备箱,发现 "满是步枪和弹药"。报警之后,警方随后搜查了他的家和车辆, 他还被指控有8只无证气枪。

王子超被指控非法拥有Zastavia Serbia AK-47, 22 口径儒格步枪和猎枪,除了武器, 警方还在车内发现了数以百计的子弹以及一些大容量的弹匣。

据检方称,王子超承认枪枝为其所有,且并未在新州注册,但他的律师表示,所有枪枝都在密西根州合法购买。检方资料显示,王子超持有学生签证进入美国,就读于密西根技术大学(Michigan Technological University),随后获得工作签证,在新州一家地产公司担任工程师职位。王子超的社交网站显示他来自北京,学习成绩出色,本科与硕士绩点(GPA)分别为3.64、3.7。

经过一年多的努力,终于让检察官相信他完全没有犯罪动机,只是因为不懂新泽西的拥枪法律。最后他只是被plea deal一项指控,缓刑(probation)2年。
他目前在NJCU读MBA。他曾经在Michigan Tech Univ 读Civil Engineer,去年硕士毕业后在新州一家地产公司实习。

据该公司CEO Jack Yao介绍,王子超是一个年少有为、勤奋努力、有责任心的有志青年,将来一定能为社会做出自己的贡献,因此他去年给法官写了一封求情信,原文如下:
November 28th, 2018
Honorable Judge Venable
Hudson County Superior Court, Room 910
595 Newark Ave, Jersey City, NJ 07306
Cc. Darryl Smith, Esq.
Indictment No. 18-07-0598 Petition to Reconsider the Plea Deal
Dear Honorable Judge Venable,
My name is Jack Yao, I was the direct supervisor of Mr. Zichao Wang. I understand that Mr. Wang is in big legal trouble for gun procession charges. I have known Mr. Wang for more than 2 years now. Zichao is a well-educated civil engineer, he just obtained his M.S. Civil Engineer Degree from Michigan Technological University. Since graduation, he is actively engaged in the American Society of Civil Engineer and the American Concrete Institute to fulfill his obligation to the welfare of the society. While working with me for his post graduate internship, Zichao was certified as ACI Associate Concrete Special Inspector. He also just took the Professional Engineer exam this October. I believe this young man will greatly contribute to society in his professional and personal future
To my knowledge, Zichao acquired all of the firearms legally from the state of Michigan. Zichao has confided in me that he will voluntarily turn-in his firearms as some may be considered “illegal” in the State of New Jersey. However, his car was in an accident in New York before he came to New Jersey, His car was later brought to a body shop in Kearny, New Jersey, he had no chances of gaining access to the weapons in the car to officially register his fire arm and surrender the weapon that may be deemed “illegal in New Jersey. The body shop employee discovered the weapons in his disabled car and reported to authority. ZiChao was arrested before he got a chance to register and/or surrender his weapons.
I have spoken to his attorney, Mr. Darryl Smith, and understood that he worked with the prosecutor’s office with 3 different prosecutors. The plea agreement for Zichao for a wavier of mandatory prison time and probation for 2nd degree illegal procession of fire arms (2C 39 5-f). I do appreciate the effort and consideration for Zichao. However, when I consulted with his immigration attorney, it was grave concern for me and ZiChao. If he were to accept this plea agreement, under his current immigration status, which is F-1 international student visa with practical training, this plea deal would have made his offense one of the “aggravated felonies” under current statue of Third circuit court of the United States. It will give him “direct deportation” and a permanent bar of reentry to the United States of America. My company is sponsoring him for his H-1B visa to be our civil engineer for our real estate development projects in Jersey City. It will be a great loss for my company, as well as for Hudson County and New Jersey. I am strongly urging you to ask the prosecutor to reconsider ZiChao’s immigration issue and make an lesser degree plea agreement for him such as Pri-Trial Intervention.
Zichao deserves a second chance. I respectfully ask you to give prosecutor and ZiChao’s attorney more time to resolve this with a better plea agreement for Zichao. If this case has to go to trail, it will be a huge waste of valuable law enforcement resources. It will also be a crucial delay in Zichao’s promising career. Zichao is in a dilemma that neither accepting this offer nor going to trial are favoring this young man, not to mention that he only has two days to make one of his most vital decisions in his life.
I strongly encourage Zichao to respectable decline the current plea agreement as “deportation” is foreseeable. I will seek a new attorney to work with Mr. Darryl Smith to help him further if necessary. Please feel free to contact me via jack@realmartrealty.com or my personal cell phone number at 201-887-8480 if you need to discuss this in person.
Thank you very much for your consideration.
Best regards,
Jack Yao

姚先生希望华人社区的好心人们能关心王子超的不幸遭遇,伸出援手。他前面的官司已经花费了很多律师费,现在又需要请移民律师,还可能需要Post保释金。大家可以通过PayPal捐款到他的DefenseFund: ZichaoW@MTU.EDU。更重要的是,希望大家能给新州的联邦参众议员打电话、发传真,要求我们的民选官员过问一下此事,以期ICE和移民法官能夠理解被告的实际情況而给予假释候审。

Senator Booker
Phone: (973) 639-8700
Fax :(973) 639-8723
Senator Menendez
Phone: 973.645.3030
Fax :973.645.0502
Congressman Payne
Phone: (973)-645-3213
Fax: (973) 645-5902




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